W4 Consoles

W4 Consoles is a middleware software that serves as a technology layer, enabling seamless portability of games across multiple target platforms (Nintendo Switch™, Xbox Series X|S™, PlayStation®5), providing a standardized framework for efficient game porting.

Open Source? No Problem

Launching games on consoles can be challenging on any game engine, but using an open-source engine poses some specific issues – namely that console support cannot be built into the engine due to the proprietary nature of console SDKs. W4 Games solves this issue for Godot Engine users by providing ready-to-use export templates for Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation®5.

We’ve Got You

W4 Games Consoles solution will be approved middleware by the console manufacturers, which guarantees compatibility and compliance. Our solution is developed from the ground up for Godot 4 and is kept up to date with new Godot releases. It’s also a future-proof solution that will offer compatibility for new consoles as they are released.

Let’s Get Technical

You will have full source code access to customize and optimize as necessary. Ports run directly on console platform APIs with no hacks or middle layers. Leveraging native APIs guarantees peak performance during porting.


The blogpost addressing product FAQ, pricing, license types can be found here. We are targeting the second half of 2024 to release our console ports. 

What is Next

W4 Consoles for Switch & Xbox are in beta! Join the exclusive Beta Program to get early access, collaborate with us, and secure a launch discount. Space is limited, so apply now:

Apply to the Consoles Beta Program​​

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